My Red, White and Bold quilt is off to be quilted. I don't know what it is, but the easier the quilt pattern the more I am likely to mess it up.. Got the borders on and realized I had switched some of the rows around. I really thought about taking it apart, but decided it will be fine just the way it is. I have had a very busy week with my binding business--5 quilts this week and this evening I did some more piecing on my 4 patch scrappy quilt.
Last week I was poking around the blogs and visiting Belvie's. She showed a quilt that she was working on that is a Bareroots pattern......the light bulb came on! When I was digging through the quilt closet looking for a pattern for a friend
I found this top and had no clue what pattern it was, well that was until I saw Belvie's top and they looked very similar. I checked out the Bareroots website and there was my quilt. After a day of going through my patterns, with no luck finding the pattern I went ahead and ordered one from Bareroots and it came today. There will be all kinds of cute little flowers and vines embroidered all around the blocks. This will be a great take along project. I hate to admit it, but I don't even remember making this top....maybe the quilt fairies were in my fabric closet making it for me, that must be what happened! Thanks Belvie!!

Since tomorrow is March 1 it is time to pick my monthly Christmas
project. When Carol and I went to Houston I picked up this cute little quilt kit. It's a Joined At The Hip pattern and should work up really fast, and I just happen to have one of those star hangers in the picture. Speaking of March l, have any of you checked out the quiltathon going on tomorrow? Sounds interesting and think I'm going to do it. Since I'm working tomorrow, my day will be Sunday.

Hope everyone enjoyed leap day, and I don't know if you knew this little fact about the day, calories don't count on February 29th!!! Have a great weekend everyone.