This sign I put up several Christmas ago. It hangs over the door to the garage. I decided to leave it up because it's a nice sentiment to take with you out in to the world!
Now here's my favorite. From the time I was a little girl my mom would always say "see you later alligator"to which I would reply "after while crocodile". It was our phrase. Now there were years where I rolled my eyes at her when she said it, let's say the teenage years when I was going out the door with a date!!! Not cool :-)!! But now that my mom is gone, it means even more to me. It was our thing. A few years ago I was shopping at one of my favorite gift shops, Crackerjacks, and here was this metal sign hanging there just waiting for me! I have it at the back door so when I go out it's like my mom saying it! I call this my comfort sign!! So I bet you are wondering where all this is going....!!! One of my very favorite blogs is Cherry Hill Cottage. She has the most amazing photos, not to mention recipes. Over the past few months of me lurking over there I would see wonderful letter signs hanging here and there. Then I discovered that Tina's daughter Mika makes them. Woohoo - somebody to make me signs. Watch out family there will be even more signs poppin up around here. My family is huge Angel baseball fans - we have a whole room dedicated to this obsession. I emailed Mika and asked her to make me Angels letters and look what I got back! I'm working on getting them hung on the wall, but just had to show them
Mika - I think they would be really great for a new baby's room!
Tomorrow I'm leaving for a couple days of sewing - can't wait, and I will definitely have some pictures to
post on Sunday! See you later alligators!