Here's my Secret
Santa gift that Anne from Norway made me. The cutest vinyl bag with polka dots and rick rack on perfect! She did such a beautiful job making it. Plus a wonderful bundle of fabric and some yummy chocolate that was shaped like a pig!!! Thanks Anne.

Christmas morning was crazy and fun as usual. The kids were here early. The rest of the family arrived earl
y afternoon. It was just just a great family day. My son got a Rock Band game for Christmas. Here's one of my favorite pics. My kids, neice and nephew(a little bit hidden) and grandma playing a gig!! Rock on family!!

Today I plan to start taking Christmas down, a little bit at a time. I won't be back to work till Wednesday so I have some time. Also plan to get lots of quilting done. I have a quilt that needs to be quilted ASAP, so that takes top priority.

Hello Cheryl! Sounds like your Christmas was absolutely wonderful! Love the photo of the rockin' family! Your Secret Santa goodies are very nice, too! It was a lot of fun, wasn't it?
Thanks for sharing your fave Christmas treasures - each one has a story to tell, I betcha! Same with my tree - it's a mishmash of memories.
Happy New Year to you and the family, Cheryl!! Enjoy your time off - can't wait to see what you get quilted!!
Cheryl, sure glad you had such a great Christmas...hard to believe it's come and gone...Have a great 2008! Enjoy your time off.
I love your Christmas treasures. I have some very similar ones and they always give me a big smile when I hang them on the tree at Christmas. One of my daughters and her family got one ofthe rock band things for Christmas and they are having a ball with it.
Hi Ms. Polka Dot!!! Now let me make sure I read my comment as to not repeat what YOU Did on my blog. LOL!!!!!!!!!!! I was laughing so hard.
Who's grandma was that? She's so cute. The guys looked intense on that game.
I love your ornaments on the tree. Did you have the famous ball of cheese? I've been craving that.Guess I'll have to whip one up. Maybe tomorrow.
That's John's mom - 84, isn't she cute as can be. She was singing like crazy! Of course we had the world famous ball of cheese. Now let me head on over and see if I can mess your blog up some more:-)!
I think you've done enough damage to the Cottage. Thanks anyway. LOL!!!
Yes John's mom is adorable.
I looks like you had a great Christmas. That rock band picture is too cute with grandma there. I keep seeing references to this rock band thing -- I need to check it out! Happy New Year!
that picture is priceless! YOu need to frame that and bet it will make you smile all year round!
what a grandma!!!!
Love the ornaments on the tree, thanks for sharing your Christmas photos.
Glad to see you had such a nice Christmas (love that rockin' Grandma !!! Very fun!!!!)
....and what a cute polka dot/rick rack bag !!
Your Christmas sounds like it was so much fun....your Secret Santa gift, how appropriate....polka dots and rick rack...
Thank you for your welcome to blogland. I am loving it so far. Hope you have a Happy New Year.
Happy New Year, Cheryl! Looks like your Christmas was one to be remembered... all your lovely quilts add to the festivities!
Happy New Year! It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday with your family. May the new year bring you joy, laughter and love.
Nice goodies! What a great time! Happy New Year!
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