We had a wonderful weekend with our girl.

I made some progress on my four patch..got the rows sewed on and all the others are stacked and ready to be pieced. As I was pinning and sewing I noticed something on my pincushion........

A wonderful note left for me!! Here's another one she made for me several years ago, and it has become my pincushion shrine!! There are sweet little notes all around the edges that she had added from time to time

The little HI was her first backstich project. Thanks sweetie, LUV U right back!!!
Things still going well. The LUV U has been

a sweet touch to my week. I worked on a valentine runner and managed to get it done. If you ever need a

quick and easy table runner then this is the pattern. It is charm pack friendly which even adds to how fast it is!
I have been dealing with a sore throat, and Doe advised me to drink pineapple juice which really seemed to be doing the trick. Thursday morning I needed to pick up a birthday present, so out shopping I go!! As I was checking out, these Junior Mints

caught my eye, especially since I am always in the mood for some chocolate. I didn't even realize till I got home that they were heart shaped Junior Mints, how cute is that!!! By late that afternoon I had a fever, chills and a nasty cough...so much for my flu shot! Yesterday I spent the whole day in bed and today I'm up, but dragging. I'm tying to pretend I am better. You know positive thinking and all! Hope that everyone elses week has managed to move along nicely and no flu bugs are hanging around your houses.
Your Katie is as sweet as my Kristie. True blessings,indeed. :-)
Love the tablerunner - very cute!
I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. I hope you'll feel better soon. REST!
I love all your little love notes. You don't unpin them do you? Yikes that would be hard.
Hope you feel better soon. I'm in serious envy of those Jr. Mints. You guys down there get all thecool JR mint stuff. Now I'll have to get busy hunting them down.
how sweet your Katie is!! Hope you feel better soon. Love the quilt and the tablerunner!
What a lovely little pincushion message! I hope you are feeling a bit better. Lucy x
Sounds like a wonderful week to me! What a cute tablerunner! Do hope you're feeling much better!
I would have to keep buying new pincushions! Sure wouldn't want to mess those sweet notes up! Your Valentine runner is adorable. And hope you feel better!
Hope you are all better soon! I had a bad cold that lasted a whole week. That never happens!! Argh!
Love the quilt and that Valentine table runner ..... PRETTY !!!!
.... so sweet those little notes left by your Katie ! I'm sure you'll leave those notes just the way they are ....forever!
.... and sorry to hear you're feeling lousy .... we (the whole gang) had a touch of that last week (and me and the kids all had flu shots .... DH didn't and he was actually the sickest ... so I'm guessing the flu shots helped the rest of us have it not as bad.)
...anyhow, I'm having a Valentine give away over at my blog .... so come visit (and the good part is you don't actually have to take a shower, do your hair and get dressed to do it!!! ....but you know you wouldn't have to do any of that anyway to actually visit me in person !) Hope you feel better soon!
I hope you feel better soon! Take care and I hope to see you soon.
What a sweet Luv U note from Kate, that's so special.
We don't get those cool Junior mints in heart shapes....I'm missing out.
I hope you feel better soon.
What sweet, sweet notes from Katie! I do hope you're feeling better - I think the Jr. Mints should help out a lot!! I love your table runner - it's adorable! And your 4 patch is beautiful - nice work, Cheryl! Take care!
Sorry to hear your sick and hope you feel better real soon.
Those love notes are so sweet! Love the table runner as well. I hope you are feeling better -- if not, get yourself to the doctor! It may not be the flu (my strep started out much like what you're describing)
Oh NO! You can't be sick! I sure hope you feel better soon! If those heart shaped Junior Mints can't cure you, I'm not sure what can! That tablerunner's great! Take care!
OMG heart shaped junior mints...I need to get me some of those :)
Sorry you were sick but I'm glad you're on the mend :)
Hi Cheryl, this is Cheryl. :-) Okay, seriously...LOVE your Valentine table runner...simply adorable. Thanks for stopping by-I look forward to seeing your future lunch sack bags.
Love your tablerunner. Great fabrics. Bonnie in Tx.
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