Tonight we went to a wine tasting at the zoo. It was such a fun night, with various wines to be sampled as well as great appetizers and a silent auction. That's where the big egg came from...it's an ostrich egg from one of the birds at the zoo. When I saw that sitting on the table I just knew I had to have it. There were a number of people trying their best to win it, but I kept my eye on that big old egg! Wouldn't it look great with polka dots all over it :-)?!
This has not been a very productive sewing week for me. I worked Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, yesterday I did major cleaning, and today was errand day. My Red, White and Bold quilt is back from being quilted and I did manage to get the binding sewn on by machine. Just have the hand work left to do.
My friend Carol

I have been doing lots of blog hopping and I can't believe all the wonderful projects being worked on out in blogland...........there are so many creative people out there and I have to give you all credit for getting me back in to the groove :-)! Hope that you all have a GREAT weekend, and don't forget to spring forward!
The cupcake wall hanging is soooo cute and yummy looking! And not everyone owns an ostrich egg.
The egg is huge! So nice to have charity events work out well. I can't wait to see a picture of your finished quilt!! I love the wallhanging. I just bought that book and planned on making a few of the little quilts for my kids. It is really a nice book!
What a giant of an egg, love the cupcake wall hanging, too cute.
Congrats to Katie and I can see why you're so proud. :-)
Whoa - that's one BIG egg - LOL Polka dots would be great - go for it. teehee
The cupcake wallhanging is adorable. I want one! LOL
Adorable cupcake quilt. Sounds like the charity event was indeed eventful! Big eggs and giant rabbits! Beatrix would be impressed!
We lived near as Ostrich farm, and it was amazing to see the eggs out in the field sometimes. I love yours!! Polka dots for sure! Thanks for the reminder to spring forward...
Hi..thank you for your visit to my blog and I sure have enjoyed visiting yours! I tried to send an email, but I keep getting some kind of Pop3 server error message. This happens to me a lot when I email people off their blogs.
Your site has so many interesting posts - thanks for sharing!
Wow that's one big egg. Congrats to Katie on the great fund raising.
What a cute cupcake too!
Oh my goodness - what an enormous egg!! Congratulations to Katie for a job well done!
I absolutely LOVE that cupcake quilt! I have a thing for cupcakes these days for some reason. They make me think of happy times, I guess!
That egg is hilarious next to the bunny...Ms. Bunny needs a wheelbarrel to push it around in..or a wagon to pull it in! How fun is that!
OMG that is one honkin big egg!!! When can we have scrambled eggs?????? Breakfast at Cheryl's!!!
That Carol is too much. I love that little wallhanging. Very cute. And what kind of a blogger are you??? NO CAMERA???? LOL!!!
hope you show the egg once it's got its polka dots, I can't wait to see it. love the cupcakes too. x
Have a good week.
Hey, I love the bunny quilt up in the right corner. Very cute!!!!
I'd rather like that cute bunny right next to that ginormous egg. She's cute!
Goooooo Katie!!! Congrats to you!
That nurse Carol (it was Nurse Carol, right?) is AWESOME! I'm loving that cupcake wall hanging.
WOW!!! That it cool! The event sounds wonderful too! Wine and appetizers... mmmmmmmmm :-)
Thanks for your nice comments. I like your Christmas decoration idea. I also think the cupcake wallhanging is very cute. Happy stitching
Congrads to your Katie for such a wonderful evening! It's certainly something to be proud of! Cute wall hanging! Thanks for sharing!
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