It has probably been just as well that the computer was down. My little binding business
had a record week! I was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by midweek when I kept getting more and more quilts from customers....but now have this pile completed with two more to do today and I will be caught let's just say not much sewing was happening in my neck of the woods!

I had a busy few days at work. L
ast Saturday when I was working I had a celebrity guest worker stop by ! She was drooling over my shoes! You can read all about her over here! Thought I would share a photo of our Tuesday m
orning gals having a rather raucous vote on which fabric to put on the back of Phoebe's quilt. Susan, who I work with on Tuesday (in the plaid shirt)had them all fired up!! We are very excited at work because Susan has been asked to teach at Road To California next year. Since I haven't gotten any quilting done I'll show
Susan's braid quilt that she just got's a beauty, and here's a couple pictures of quilts from the pretty pile of binding quilts that are going to be
auctioned off at a school. They are
so sweet and I am sure there will be some parents bidding like crazy on them.

Not much more to talk about, the week was a blur and I felt like I was taking 10 steps backwards all the time! Did get a wee bit of shopping in though. Found this really cute shutter at O'Flanary's Emporium a few doors down from work. Love the little cut outs! In a few days we will be off to Morro Bay for a get away with some friends and I am really looking forward to that.
Hope that all of you have a great start to your week and have some time to work on projects. Now for me it's time to do some fast lurking and then back to the thimble! See you later alligators :-)!
Nice to have you connected again!
Happy stitching!
gosh you must be quick at the binding thing.......
Ohh taking the 'can' to Morro Bay again? I wish I was going, I'd love to shop around and have some fun. Have a good time, love the shoes by the way.
You always find the cutest stuff at Judy's. Love it! I think Wren wants your shoes right now. lol!
Nice to 'see' you! I understand feeling a bit overwhelmed. I'm experiencing some exremely busy weeks and feel very overwhelmed.
Enjoy your time away at Morro Bay. :)
Love that shutter. Adorable!!
Isn't it the pits when your computere goes wacky? Mine is trying it's best to give up the ghost but I have a new one coming in this week, so I am holding my breath. Those are some pretty quilts you were doing the binding on, and you "girls" look like you were having a lot of fun. Have a good trip!
Those shoes are great. All fun stuff.
Glad you're back online .... doesn't it drive ya nuts when the puter doesn't cooperate!?!?(and just think back 10 or so years ago .... we didn't know what we were missing! how did we ever exist without it?)
.....and... aren't you the productive one getting all those bindings finished!! WOW !!
....and CUTE shoes!!!!... and have a fun trip!
LOVE your shoes!
Congrats on getting your computer up and running, isn't it great to have computer savvy kids?
That's a lot of binding to get done, wow! It takes me like a week to get a table topper done LOL!!
I love those shutters and that lamp shade...cute!
i love the shutters and the lampshade, too! and the braided quilt is gorgeous! i bind quilts for my mom who has a long arm quilting business can be overwhelming when they start piling up! congrats on all that you finished!
Computers can be sooooo frustrating at times - have a great time away.
Great shoes. I enjoy binding so much. Do you machine sew the binding on and then hand stitch?
Wow! Have you ever been busy!! Look at all those bindings! The shutter you bought is the cutest - I would love to find things like that when I shop! I'm surprised Wren didn't steal your shoes! LOL
Enjoy your time away - sounds like you deserve it!
What a fabulous post! Lots of fun and lots of quilts. Don't you just take your computer for granted and then something goes wrong....Have a great time in Morro Bay!
Well, I'm glad you got your computer going, but isn't it amazing how much you get done with it broken?? The chicks at the shop look like a bunch of wild and crazy!!
Very cute decorating ideas! Sorry your computer went down...glad you are back!
Hi Cheryl that quilt of children's drawings is adorable, bet it raised loads of money.x
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