My Summer Stash Challenge project is coming along nicely. I have a

I was reading over on Freda's Hive about the No Spend July Challenge. With the cost of everything I think we are all thinking on ways to save. The challenge which was started over at Brain Fog Blog is to reduce spending in July, and try to only spend $$$ on things you reallllllllly need (I guess that would mean no fabric). So in the spirit of "trying", I am trying to at least think a little more about what I spend $$$ on. I know that I will be spending at the Long Beach Quilt Show, so I will give it a go until then. I was out today gabbing and lunching and I am happy to say resisted buying any extras, even though I was mighty tempted!!!
Our Baby is getting very close to showing himself!! About 6 weeks to be exact. Mommie to be is looking so wonderful. She is going to be such a great mom. I have a few more grandma sewing projects I need to get busy on, but I think I will always have grandma projects!!
Tomorrow we have planned a relaxing day. Mr. will be golfing early, Mrs. will be sewing ALOT. Since Bailey is visiting for the weekend I moved all my sewing stuff to the dinning room so she can supervise!! We are planning on making Sharon's famous barbecued pizzas, so wish us luck!! UPDATE #2 - Miss Sharon is having a giveaway....hop on over and sign up...really cute bags, WOO and a HOO!!! Hope that your holiday is safe and a wonderful one. See you later alligators :-)!!
UPDATE#1 - I was just about to publish my post when the home phone rang, the cell phone rang and then a knock on the door. John was calling from work about 5 minutes away, and he wanted to know if I knew what was going on down the road from our house and he told me to go look out front....(the knock was a neighbor at the door) always scary to see this sight and we deal with it about this time every year. Luckily as I write this it is pretty much under control, but our thoughts go out to all those in Northern California that unfortunately are dealing with many, many fires.
OMG that smoke is toooo close for me. You better be grabbing up all the fabric and quilts and IF there is still room in the car GET HUBBY!!! LOLOLL!!!! sorry John. But a girls gotta save the fabric and quilts. So where is the adorable photo of Megan?? I've been over here waiting.
hey I have the designer blocks coming also.........
Happy 4th of holiday here tho!! I agree with Sharon that smoke is way too close...
I have the first block for the FQS BOM but haven't made it yet....I had forgotten that I had signed up for have been busy!......I am counting the "sleeps" until the weekend of the 25th when I am off to a quilting weekend to a town about 3hours from here....can't I am not spending til then either...!
Glad the fire is under control. What a worry for you!
Happy independance day!
Well done on getting so much sewing done. I can't wait to see the finished top of your Summer stash Challenge quilt.
I have made a deal with myself that as I can't fit my fabric in the space I have available, there's no major buying until I've used more up. It's going to be painful, but I need to get this obsession with beautiful fabric under some sort of control. Do you think blinkers in a shop might work? LOL
I'll pop off and check the link now. Thanks.
Yeah there is no way I'm going "no buy" with quilt festival in July lol!! Your stash quilt is gonna be sooo cute!! I can't wait to see it!!
Cheryl, I hope you're safe tonight. That fire looks too close for comfort. I heard about the insane amount of fires going on in California on the national news. I just couldn't believe how many there are.
You sure have been busy with all of those beautiful quilts. I hope you have fun at the quilt show. I'm sure you're going to find all kinds of lovelies there. I wish you luck with the spending challenge. It's going to be awfully difficult to hold back from purchasing all of the fabulous quilting stuff you are going to encounter.
Happy 4th of July!
You lucky girls to have the Long Beach show right there...if it's anything like the Chicago show was make sure you take several credit cards cause they'll be smokin'. Yes, Miss Cheryl you will always have grandma projects...every time I see some new cute fabric I want to make Hampton another quilt. You are going to have soooo much fun. OOOOOOOO, that fire is way too close. Have a great weekend.
All your 30's repo quilts are looking super! Love those fabrics. Can't wait to see them put together.
Hope you have a fun and safe 4th!
Love your blog! Thanks for stopping by mine.
I think I really need to do that Christmas BOM. I just really love the fabrics, especially the polka dots!
I'll be back!
Well let's go for update #3!!! and I forgot to say in my earlier post I am also doing those designer blocks but haven't made the first one yet. Gotta get going on that.
HAPPY 4th!!!
Ohhh me again!!! I tried to get that photo thing to work. Let's see if it did. LOL Are you gonna ban me from here soon?
Thank goodness, your quilts and fabric stash are safe. And you, too! Ok, I'm being a meanie. Glad to hear it was under control.
BTW, didn't you buy that christmas flannel a few days ago? Was it June then? LOL!
Hmm, that BOM is very tempting...Must resist!!!
Happy 4th!
Thanks for sharing your stash challenge...looks like it will be cute. Luke will be here soon, for sure. Hope you gals had fun at the quilt show!
I keep telling myself to go "no buy" and then my friends send me emails that have "lookie lookie" in them so I do and end up whipping out the credit card and shopping :)
I love your blog...very creative!
Peggy in NJ
The smoke and fires are a scary thing...stay safe! I love your 30's project, and can't wait to see more progress. I applaud you for the NO BUY challenge. I say that to myself all the time and it just doesn't seem to work! I can't wait to see and hear about the mom/grandma update that is quickly approaching. Have a great weekend!
What a scary photo of all that smoke! Such a worrisome time for everyone.
I do love your Challenge quilt, and you're such a good girl, you already sewed block #1 of the Designer BOM. Mine is sitting on the sewing room table calmly waiting for me to get busy. I really like the shop sample you sewed - the fabrics are so pretty!
I agree with Nanette, it's time to start saving - I'm trying to do the same!
Yikes!!! So scary. One year we had a huge fire on the mountain right where we lived. It got so close they closed our street. Frightening. Great post. Good to see how you are doing.
I hope you had a great 4th -- I'm finally getting caught up on your blog. How exciting that you're learning to knit -- I hope you love it!
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