A very happy birthday to our baby boy who is 29 today and waiting very patiently for his own little guy to make an appearance. You are such an amazing son and we are so proud of you! After a doctor visit for the new mom yesterday looks like some time next week the baby will be here. , we are ready whenever you are!!! Have you noticed a trend on my recent posts?? All the kids birthdays are all a week apart! We figure the baby is going to be born next Wednesday to keep the streak going!
Back and unpacked and put back together from vacation. We had a WONDERFUL time and it was very relaxing and coooooooool. From left to right: th

e view from our camp, the temp inside and out, pieces of my Christmas quilt, the finished top, a view from the pier, my very lovely shower shoes (I know you just want to have a pair), pieces of my Prairie Paisley, the finished Prairie Paisley top, Mexican Train (which I am horrible at), a 1964 mini cooper and I do mean mini, a wonderful old Woodie and finally from our seats at Tuesdays Angel game, and another Angel game last Friday night! Whewwwwwwww! What a week and a couple visits with my sister and brother in law sprinkled in. It is nice to be home and now to wait for our little guy to come. Our girl is moving on Friday so I will be helping her with the move and enjoying some time with her.
Thanks for all the nice comments and emails about my upcoming retirement and grandbaby boy coming....they mean a lot to me. I have so much planned to get done around the house, which includes LOTS of painting, oh yeah and spending time with the baby! Tonight we are off to our sons house for his birthday celebration.
Nice to be poking around and seeing what everyone has been up to.... very busy you guys have been!! So off we go! See you later alligators!
Wow! Isn't that a neat coincidence that our sons' have the same birthday and are both expecting little boys in the next few days! Who will be here first, little Luke or little Joe? How exciting!
I love the name Luke. He will be here before you know it. So you best be getting some of those projects done quick like! LOL You will be wanting baby time not work time. LOL
Happy birthday to your son!
It's so nice to be on vacation, and even better to come back home again!
It must be so exciting waiting for a little grandson to arrive!
Welcome back...we missed you! You got lots done on your vacation...that is so wonderful. Happy Birthday Matt and how exciting that Luke is going to arrive VERY soon! I am so thrilled for you...your retirement,John's retirement and new grandson...Life is GOOD!
Hi Cheryl, yes I know what you mean about a birthday glut. My Mum's family have it for a week in October. I just added to the fun with my daughter's birth and getting married. :-) My mother jokingly said I was trying to bancrupt the family. ROFL
I wonder what your little Luke will be like? I'm glad your daughter in law isn't being induced- here in the UK that means a long painful labour where there's an increased risk of further medical intervention. Just a few more weeks will be worth the wait. I hope the parents let you post pics of him.
What a fun birthday's streak you've got going on there! So excited for your pending arrival :-)
Best wishes for Lukes safe and speedy arrival!! How exciting...
Isn't it funny how families do that? We have a birthday streak in June. I actually get pretty tired of cake.
Great pictures.
Hi, Cheryl!
As soon as your page popped up, it made me feel happy! Thanks! Hey, you're going to looove being a grandma! It's amazing how much love one can feel for a baby that's not your own.
Oh-- you just WAIT!! :)
I'm glad your back. And you can put away that flannel quilt now. LOL!! I did notice all the birthdays in a row. WOW well at least you get it all over at once. And yep add Luke right in there. How exciting next week is going to be with him making his appearance. I can't wait to see him.
And those shoes.............we'll talk!!
Happy Birthday Matt!! And an almost Happy Birthday to Luke!! Woo hoo!!
I love the mosaic photos! The shower shoes are just too sexy, girlfriend! How did you know I want a pair now?
You will be busier than ever once you are "retired"! You go, girl!
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