Friday, August 10, 2007

Hello Blog World!

Well here I go! At the urging of my good friends Doe and Sharon I'm starting my blog......but more importantly because my daughter is so darn smart and can figure all this stuff out I've gotten
this far. I know very little about computers, but she is teaching me and hopefully before long I'll be off on my own. Now enough about "her" (she said I had to write about myself (gg)! I have been quilting since my kids were very little and I am totally obsessed. Working at a quilt shop has only added to the obsession. Pretty much all my best friends are quilters, what a surprise! Well enough for my first post. Hopefully I did everything right.


Red Geranium Cottage said...

WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!! Look at you go!! TOOT TOOT!!!! I've been checking all day waiting and waiting and waiting and........ well you get it. I'm glad you finally did it and thanks Katie!! Without you she would have NEVER done this. So a big ole thanks to you.
Now this account wont let me sign my redgeraniumcottage name cause it's google.

Doe said...

Hello there! I can't believe you finally did it! That is so great. I'll be stopping by everyday just to see what you're up to. Love your quilts and those cute things hanging above your flag quilt. YAY!!!!!!

Darlene said...

Welcome to blogland and by the way

Melzie said...

Sharon said tell you TOOT TOOT :) I read her blog constantly she is alot of fun. Your blog looks great, dont worry you'll be proficient in no time :) Welcome to blogging! xoxo melzie

ancient one said...

Someone said we should say Toot Toot when we come to visit. Congratulations on such a fine looking blog. Welcome to Blogland!!

Carol said...

Welcome to are going to love it here! Oh I almost forgot...TOOT TOOT!!

Katie said...

Toot toot! :) Have fun!

tami said...

Welcome to blogland. Great start. I love the quilts. TOOT TOOT!!!

PamKittyMorning said...

Woo hoo.. toot toot!

Maryjo said...

Toot! Toot! I like your blog already! I will look forward to checking in with you!

Nan said...

Welcome to the blogworld, and a TOOT TOOT!!!!!!!!
I know I'm going to like you, simply because you are friends with Sharon and Doe. They are wonderful, so you must be, too!!
Love the look of your blog!

Kim said...

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Blog! Since you're a good friend of Sharon's . . . well, let's just say your tastes are questionable. Your friends are obviously completely nuts, but actually we LIKE that quality here! LOL! I've added you to my "favorites" and will check back. A word of warning, though: Watch out for that Darlene. Before you know it, she'll be posting multiple comments and filling up all the space! (Hey Ms. Darlene! JK! LOL!) Oh, yeah--TOOT TOOT! Now you have another subject for a blog post--when you tell us why Sharon's making us say TOOT TOOT!

Darlene said...

Oh no - I'm sorry 'she' found you. The 'she' is Kim - she's just going to be a nuisance but you'll get used to her. LOL

Cheryl said...

I don't know what I would do without Katie. She's quite the teacher!! While I was whinning and saying I couldn't do it - she reminded me how I would never let them say "I can't" when they were little - the daughter has now become the mother :)!

Cheryl said...

Thanks to you Doe I have another wonderful addiction. Thanks for the welcome!

Cheryl said...

Thanks Darlene - and toot toot back at you - I can see Sharon has been up to something here!

Cheryl said...

Melzie - I feel like a fish out of water here and I'm way out of my box - I couldn't figure out how to answer everyone under there individual comments - oh well, this will take some time. Thanks for the warm welcome!

Cheryl said...

Thanks for the nice comment about my blog Ancient One -- I'm still doing some tweeking - well, that is when my daughter comes to visit next time!

Cheryl said...

Carol - I am so addicted to all of your blogs. I am just amazed at all the talented people. Thanks for the warm welcome!

Cheryl said...

Toot toot back at you Katie - that Sharon is soooooooooo funny!

Cheryl said...

Thanks for the hello Tami and the
toot toot - why do I have a feeling my new nickname is going to be Toot Toot?! :-)

Cheryl said...

Woo hoo back at your Pamkitty! Are you ready for meeting Sharon? She is so much fun. Thanks for the
hello! Toot Toot

Cheryl said...

Thanks for the welcome mjjones. You guys have made my evening!

Cheryl said...

Nan, blogworld is the most amazing place ever. I am very lucky to have such great friends like Sharon and Doe. Thanks for the warm welcome!

Cheryl said...

OK Kim - I've been following the exploits of Kim & Darlene (wouldn't that make a great blog name!), and yes my friends ARE comletely nuts - oh, but so much fun. Now on the subject of Toot Toot - hmmmmmmmm. To be continued!

Cheryl said...

Thanks for the warning Darlene! I feeling oh so welcomed by all of you!

Leigh said...

Welcome to blog land Cheryl. You'll be amazed at the wonderful friendships you'll make :-)
Toot toot!

Chookyblue...... said...

welcome to blogland......why not dive in head first and sign up to my christmas swap.....Doe and Sharon have........

corry said...

hello Cheryl, welcome to blogland! I love your quilts and your blogheader! I'll be back to visit and see all the fab pics and post you're gonna be posting...I'm sure!

monique said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Toot toot!!!!!

The Calico Horse said...

Your blog looks great!! You will have so much fun:) You will probably be blogging instead of making quilts. Have Fun:)

Red Geranium Cottage said...

All I gotta say is I'm hearing alot of tooting going on over here at your site. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome, welcome, welcome!!! Are you having fun yet?

Wendy said...

Welcome to blogland. You'll have a great time....TOOT...TOOT

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Well if you are getting 30+ comments on your first post, you most be doing something right. :o) Welcome to blogland..I hope you've been warned how addictive it can be.


Vicky said...

Toot toot, Cheryl! Welcome to Bloggerland! You're going to have a ton of fun, inspire and be inspired, and laugh constantly! Oh, and about Kim and Darlene (and Sharon, too, but you already know about her) - they're a hoot!

Cheryl said...

Thanks for the welcome Leah! I already feel like I have a ton of new friends! You guys are the best.

Cheryl said...

I mean Leigh! (sorry)

Cheryl said...

After posting here I'm heading over to your blog to join your Christmas swap Chookyblue! Can't have Sharon and Doe doing something
without me, and Christmas is my favorite time of the year.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Cheryl, you'll have a blast and meet more amazing women. Love your first photo.

Cheryl said...

Thanks for the welcome Corry - I'm
having trouble with the picture part, but I'm hoping my friends, Donna, Sharon and Doe will give me
some tips!

Cheryl said...

Toot too back Monique. Thanks for
the welcome!

Cheryl said...

Donna now it's for sure-between quitling and blogging I'm just going to give up sleep!

Cheryl said...

Sharon - Doe and you sure helped to give me a fine welcome to blogland! One problem, now I want to be on the computer all the time! Have fun in Napa.

Cheryl said...

Wendy I can't believe how much fun this blogging is. It is so wonderful to see and read about what everyone is doing.

Cheryl said...

All the comments were amazing Jane-you guys made me all feel so welcome. I've been lurking around the blogs since Doe started hers and I am totally addicted!

Cheryl said...

Amazing is the right word Linda. There are so many talented and nice people!

Happy Zombie said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and it's fun checking out yours - and all your yummy quilts! Welcome to Blogland!

Chookyblue...... said...

and I am just so pleased I found your blog here and left you a comment..........our friendship thru blogland has continued on........