This day 27 years ago was such an amazing day! Our beautiful baby girl was born

. That sweet baby girl has manged to fill our lives with such joy and happiness, and we are so proud of the young woman she has turned in to. Life holds some adventures ahead for her and we are all so excited for her. In all my dreams I could not have imagined having a better daughter

and now friend. We all love you tons and tons!!!!! Looking forward to our trip together to San Diego tomorrow. Hugs and love mom's!!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE!!!!!!!!!!! You have one great momma but then I'm sure you already know that. From what I hear she's got a great daughter too.
Hugs!! And congrats on the job!
Awww - happy birthday to your baby girl! Enjoy the day tomorrow!
Happy Birthday proud Mum here..........
Happy birthday to both of you! It's so nice that you're friends! Hope you have a great trip!
Happy Birthday to your little girl! And a weekend together in SD? Fantastic! Also thoroughly enjoyed your post about camping and the pics of Baby Polka Dot, such a cutie-pie!
Happy, Happy Birthday to your wonderful "baby' girl! And Happy Birthday to her mom too! You did good Mom!
A very happy birthday to your baby girl, they never really stop being your babies huh...
Happy birthday to daughter, and congrats to mum. Enjoy your trip together.
Happy Birthday to Miss Polka Dot - have a wonderful trip together!
Wow...what a fun job!!! Welcome to San Diego, and know that your baby girl is ALWAYS welcome to have a home cooked meal at our home!!! Hugs, Annie
Happy Birthday !!!
Happy Belated Birthday to Katie!!! Congrats on the awesome new job!!
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